Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Goodwill Goodies!

This semester sees me going to Springfield twice a week for classes. Sadly there are about four hours between my classes on Tuesday...On the upside, I have time to travel to the local Goodwill! I spent at least an hour browsing today alone! I found a TON of amazing stuff, and lots of books! I spent about ten dollars on books that would retail at least seventy-eight dollars! Anyway, I've also decided to dip my toes into attempting to home make, and prepare for my future family by growing in faith, and learning HOW to be a good wife and mother. The following are all of my goodies! Enjoy!

A Victorian Book of Days. Yes, I know its from 1983, BUT the pictures are BEAUTIFUL! And the information is timeless!

The cover of A Victorian Book of Days.

In my pursuit to become a good wife and mother, I decided to focus on natural cures and remedies, and child-rearing. This fit in PERFECTLY! I've been so interested in learning how to use natural elements in the home. :) 

Night Light for Parents: A Devotional. I chose this for insight into parenting BEFORE I'm a parent. I hope to use the time I have before marriage, and children, to better myself. This book has a religious tone to it, and appears to have some really interesting information! I can't wait to start reading.

The Joys and Challenges of Motherhood. This book is BEAUTIFUL! Each page is a different color, and made of crisp, slightly rough parchment paper! Filled with beautiful words, and pictures, this promises to be a great read!

A dear friend who CONSTANTLY inspires and pushes me to be my best, loves this book! I decided to check it out for that reason, and the fact that there was a T.V. show when I was young based on the books, and I LOVED it!

A Daily Devotional: Lest We Forget. This book appears to push the reader to remember that God is our reason for existence, and that we can not forget His magnificent works in our life! It appears to be based around the Civil War era, which REALLY piqued my interest. :)

Everyday Prayers for Women. This small book has many interesting prayers, and messages for women from ALL walks of life. Its NEVER to early to start being a wife in waiting and mommy. I hope that through growing in Christ, I'll be a better helpmate, and lifemate to whatever CRAZY guy is gonna marry me. :)

A Treasury of Baby Names. Now HOW could ANYONE resist baby names?! Plus the names all appear to be more period style names! It just looked too good to pass up. :D

This is a wee prize! Its modern made, but WILL be used for my impression in reenacting! When I bought it, I wasn't sure how to incorporate it. I know that I want my impression to be based around my grandma, Kathleen, who was a teacher in a one room school house. At first I wasn't sure who I would "say" this girl was, and then it hit me! She would be my little sister! It fit perfectly as my grandmother has a younger sister who is about ten years younger than her! I was so excited when I realized that!

In for a penny, in for a pound! I couldn't resist this little picture frame! I LOVE celestial items like this. :)

Another non period prize! Sorry for the blurry photo...The piece appears to be acrylic but has a BEAUTIFUL dress that is meant to look as though it is on a dress form. There were TONS of these all dressed in civil war/post civil war era fashion. I had to get at least one...

Or two...Did I mention how CUTE these were?! There were some ADORABLE green ones, but I couldn't resist the blue ones. :D

When my grandma lived in her old apartment, she had some small curtains in the tiny window of her bathroom. I always admired the curtains, and then today, I found this little tablecloth! They match the curtains EXACTLY! I fell in love and had to get it. :)

Detail of the tablecloth. When I came home and unfolded the cloth, I realized there was a small black stain, THAT will be another project to remove! :D

All in all, I think today was a HUGE Goodwill success! I couldn't be happier with what I have found, and I can't wait to get back there. :)



Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The chameleon quandary...

As I read other blogs, and while I folded the myriad of clothes at work today, I had a minor epiphany...I've always considered my chameleon quality to be an asset...Now you may be wondering, what does she mean chameleon quality? Does she eat flies? Are her eyes on the side of her head...? If so why hasn't she been in the National Enquirer?! I wanna see the Chameleon Girl!...But I digress...My chameleon quality is that I can blend with almost ANY group of people. I can be the country girl, I can be the rocker girl, I can be the hippie, the good girl, the Christian girl who speaks no ill, the tantrum maker, or the pixie...The only problem is NONE of these are the complete me...They're just different aspects that come out under the right circumstances...The me you see at any given time, is a carefully choreographed Christina, you see what I WANT you to see...Well lately I've realized this isn't so great...It has led me to have no idea who I really am...See when you have a chameleon side to you, you can understand and sympathize with ANYONE...Yea, that gets ANNOYING! Just once I wish I could say, I like this and that's all it is..but no! I see every side and I can understand every side...I HATE IT! Who the heck am I anyway? I'm not really THAT funny, I'm not that smart, not that athletic, not that creative...I'm just "decent" at most things...Sometimes I wish I could be completely compelled to feel one way and only one way...Heck my thoughts on even issues I used to feel strongly about, have waned as I can see BOTH sides of the issue...Lately I've seen so many different ways to parent, live, or teach and I'm so lost as to what I want to do...Well I'm a realist, and I understand only about three people read this, and rarely comment so I'm not really looking for help, just venting. However, being a bit insane and neurotic as I am, if you feel compelled to reply, please do...I could use help...


I hope to write more, but lately things have been busy, I've been lazy, and VERY blocked...