Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Grierson Society Winter Gala/Veteran's Remembered!

Last night was AMAZING! I went to the ball hosted by the Grierson Society, the ball was a fundraiser for the reenactment here in town, Grierson Days. This blog post will probably be 90% pictures!

Yesterday I began to prepare oh, two hours before I was to be picked up, which is insane for me! Before I showered and primped, I gathered up EVERYTHING I would need, and decided to be a little dorky. I placed my gown out on my parents bed, put all my accessories where they should be when I was in it, then piled my undergarments on top so when I was finished showering, I could dress from the bottom out.

My gown and bertha were care of my AMAZING surrogate sister Sarah at Romantic History! I lamented to her several weeks ago that I felt unsure of going to the ball. I had NO ball gown, nothing even CLOSE to what should be worn, and I felt doubtful...I'm honestly not sure what I expected, but what I got was MUCH more than anything I could have hoped for! She mentioned that she had a lovely green taffeta gown that had never properly fit, and didn't fit at all anymore! She's been VERY eager to get me into a real dress, and offered the skirt up to me! She's MUCH smaller than me, so the dress would need a new waist which she whipped up quickly with my measurements, and which also meant I couldn't wear the bodice. As she lives far enough away, we couldn't fit a bodice by distance so she whipped me up a beautiful bertah! I felt SO beautiful! :D

 Close up of the top section. :)

 Left side, I went so far as to put my glove and fan on the sleeve.

 My reticule.

The h'ordeuvres table. The table was lit with lots of candles! One set was in a candelabra, some were perched in vases, and others were in lanterns. The tables were made by putting a sheet of glass over several glasses and topped with silver beads and other pretty accents. It was all so elegant!  

 The view straight out from our table.

Each of the tables was lit with a beautiful little oil lamp. 

People browsing the goodies at the tables.

My two BEAUTIFUL friends in the back. Nicole is in the black and red dress, Heather is in the pink gown.

Some experts in period dance gave a presentation on a few dances. They looked wonderful gliding across the floor!

More examples of period dress. They looked so flawless and elegant!

Can't tell I was mesmerized can you?

They were SO talented! And the woman in the green dress by the pillar looked SO beautiful! I loved her gown!

This dress caught my eye! She looked so beautiful, I think I MAY have the pattern for this dress. The color was INCREDIBLE!

Another picture of the gown that mesmerized me. Along all of the windows were pictures of local veteran's, both past and present. Erik Hack did a FANTASTIC job with his speech later in the evening. I nearly cried when he said he wished he could take off his uniform, and let peace reign over the earth. So touching!

More dance examples. :)

I wasn't slightly obsessed was I?

Several guests mingling.

I'm not sure if this was the open dance, or more examples of period dancing.

The band, they were INCREDIBLE! So talented!

Part of the silent auction. This was a baby doll stroller, and beautiful quilt!

I have no idea if this was glass or crystal, but it was BEAUTIFUL!

An ADORABLE picture! A little one holding a kitten in the air, as the dog looks on.

I loved the dress in this one! I had the feeling the man was professing his undying love for his lady, and the lady was looking shy, and impressed at the same time. So beautiful!

This was a BEAUTIFUL gilded platter! So elegant.

Adorable little tea set my dear sister Sarah said she could almost picture two little girls happily playing with this. :)

Again, I've no idea if this was glass or crystal, but it was beautiful! Two candlestick holders, and a dish.

Close up of the candlestick holders. They were breathtaking!

 Close up of the bowl. There were frosted leaves and berries on it, so pretty!

Beautiful red vase! There were grapes and leaves as decorations on this piece.

Heather and I REALLY enjoyed this saying. :)

Elegant vintage hats! The two in boxes were netted hats, one with pink bows, the other with on green velvet bow and some green feathers. So pretty!

This little guy was just TOO cute to NOT take a picture of! He looked so happy sitting on the table next to the hats. :)

I fell hard for this! I've always DREAMED of having a vanity with a marble top and dark wood setting. <3

There were two beautiful red velvet chairs next to the table. So beautiful! :)

The second chair, sorry for the wobbly picture. :D

A set of GORGEOUS pink cameo earrings. I was VERY tempted to bid on them, and the bidding ended at twenty-five dollars, I could have won, but oh well! I remembered after that a friend of mine has a set of cameo earrings, and matching necklace of a similar color that she wants to give me. I figured I can get those earrings, and allow another lucky gal to take these. :)

Speeches, this was directed to a woman who was retiring from the Journal Courier who had been instrumental in getting Grierson GREAT coverage each year. :)

More of the ceremony where she received a six hour spa treatment certificate from Inner Harmony!

Presenting of the colors! When the drums played, and the color guard marched in, I got chills! I felt so patriotic and American watching these men bring our flags in. I had such a surge of pride in my country and its magnificent traditions. :)

The Paddy Cake Dance! Heather and Nicole went out, but as I was heading for them the dance was beginning and I later realized I would have been odd woman out with no partner. I stayed back and snapped photos. :)

Heather dancing. Sorry about the lousy lighting. I wasn't convinced the flash was doing anything but distracting people so I turned it off.

Heather dancing. I'm not sure where Nicole had gotten to, hehe!

Heather to the far right in the pink.

This is either the Paddy Cake Dance, or the waltz that came after.

Paddy Cake Dance. Heather sat out the waltz.

More Paddy Cake Dance.

Dancing again!

I got a lot of picture of the dancing! There were a few younger ladies, including some little girls who were happily dancing, it was too sweet. :)

The dance floor from our table.

Wow I took more than I thought! Hehe!

Finishing up the dancing. :)

Sorry for the blurryness, this was taken on Heather's phone. :) Nicole is on the far left, then Heather, then me! :D

Serious picture of me mom took when I got home. :)

Relaxed picture of me.

Mom made me crack up so I looked like a walrus! XD

Fairly serious, but in reality I forgot to push my head out, and suck my chin in LOL!

Well, that's all I have! We had such a wonderful time last night! I danced two dances, I'm not sure what the first was, but the second was the Virginia Reel, and yes, I danced with a male, haha! My bertha tried to fall off a few times, but it was so much fun! So many of us were messing up left and right, but we all ended up laughing and going on as though we knew EXACTLY what we were doing! Hehe!


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