Thursday, December 27, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

I was tagged by my most wonderful friend and sister, Sarah, over at Romantic History. Thank you, Sarah! I have never been tagged before. :)

1. You must post eleven random facts about yourself.

2. You must also answer the eleven questions the awarder has given you and make up eleven questions for your awardees to answer in turn.
3. Tag eleven fellow bloggers.
4. Notify them you've awarded them.
5. No tagging back.
6. The eleven blogs you tag must have less than 200 followers.

I can't tag anyone, as I have only one blogging friend and she has been tagged, but I can do the rest!

11 Random Facts about Myself:

1. I require no familial sustenance from my blood family, my friends are more family to me than my blood. The bulk of my family don't care for me and ignore me, so I seek out like minded friends and adopt them. I am always important in their lives, even if I am not as important to my blood family.

2. I can not eat in front of my friends without being self conscious...I'm not sure where it comes from, but I remember my dear friend Jeff had the same issue...Unless it is my family, I can't really eat...I feel like a pig when I eat in front of friends so I tend to eat slowly, and try to eat very quietly.

3. I have never been kissed or been on a real date with anyone. I have only ever dated online as no one ever seems interested in me in real life. I don't fit the perfect woman physically, but when people get to know me, they tend to like me which is why men online have been my choice.

4. I love a clean house, but despise cleaning with every fiber of my being...I would do just about anything to get out of cleaning the house, but since I have been out of work, I clean up daily and do a deep clean weekly.

5. I HATE modern fashion with a passion...I am a total tomboy when it comes to modern fashion, but hand me a big frilly hoopskirt and I squeal like a three year old girl. I love old fancy dresses with lots of accents and jewelry.

6. I love to make up characters for my favorite movies, TV shows, or books, and sometimes I play act them out when I am alone. I have also been known to play act the book I'm writing in my quiet time. I never really outgrew the imaginative stage of life.

7. I will bend over backward for people to make sure they are happy, I usually bend over backward and ignore my own pain. I feel selfish when I let people know I am hurting, and I am loyal to a fault.

8. I would happily traipse back in to the 19th century if I could bring indoor plumbing and modern medicine.

9. I am incredibly talented at hiding my true feelings, you only see of me what I want you to see. I think about every move I make, and every word I speak, I consider what the backlash could be, how it will effect others, etc.

10. I want to be a famous author. I suppose I want this so I can show everyone who was ever mean to me that I made something of myself, which sounds incredibly selfish...Plus I want to be able to have a rather comfortable life for my family.

11. I hate talking about myself. I think everyone else's needs are more important than my own so I tend to not speak about myself unless I have to. I also have no self esteem what so ever.

11 Questions from Sarah!

1. What is your favorite era of fashion and why? (sorry, had to ask this, I always want to know this about everyone I meet!) 

Sarah, you are too mean...How on EARTH can I possibly decide between ALL the amazing clothes of the world?! If I had to choose, it would probably be 18th century. I LOVE this period because of how big and beautiful and intricate the women's clothing is of this time period.

2. What is the worst hair cut you have ever received? 

Hmm, I haven't cut my hair since at least high school and I'm very particular about my haircut...I have never really had a bad haircut, but I did have a HORRIBLE hair style for my first grade class picture. (I will add the picture later) My Grandma Sorrill pulled ALL of my hair hair to the very back, made it completely flat in front and piled everything right on top of my head in a big pile. She then put a bow nearly as big as my head in my hair...It's a rather comical picture.

3. If you could afford anything, would you have your clothes made or would you prefer to sew them yourself?

Oh I would LOVE to sew them myself! I just wish I knew how to sew. :(

4. What has been the happiest moment of your life? 

Now that is tough...There have been so many wonderful moments in my life, but I think I have been happiest when I was with my kiddos. I'd say the happiest was when I met Adam. :) Or when I met Anne. :)

5. What is your greatest inspiration for daily living? 

Living in a way that makes God smile. If I can make God happy, then everything will fall in to place.

6. If you could be remembered for one thing, what would that be?

I would LOVE to be remembered for my writing, but I think I would love to be known for my kindness and warmth. A woman who knows my Grandma Staff once said about her, "she treats everyone like a Queen!" I think I would want to be remembered that way as well. :)

7. What is your favorite season and why?

Hmmm. I think I have to choose two again, I have come to love Fall, but I have always loved Winter! Fall and Winter have my two FAVORITE holiday's, Halloween and Christmas. I just love all the decorations and specials that air at those times of year, plus the snow, the lights, the warmth of Christmas, it is just wonderful!

8. What scares you?

A few things, dying scares me, never finding my soul mate, never having a family, and being forgotten scare me the most.

9. What small item do you use on a daily basis and would horribly miss if it were gone? (for me, this is chapstick - I use it all the time!) 

My glasses! I would be lost without my glasses, literally! I'm not blind without them, but everything is so blurry without them, I would hate it to lose them!

10. What is your favorite Christmas treat?

Another toughie! Hmm, I LOVE puppy chow! It is absolutely delicious! Puppy chow and peppermint stick ice cream. :)

11. If you had a million dollars plopped in your lap, what would you do with it?

As many things for my family and friends as I could. I would probably put a specific amount in to the bank to collect interest, then use the rest to help family and friends, especially to buy my Grandma Staff a beautiful new house with a servant as that is what she deserves. :)

Thank you for thinking of me, Sarah! This was fun to do. :)

Love always,

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