Monday, June 6, 2011

Restlessness and unfulfilled...

As seems to be all too common, something feels as though it is missing in life. I know for certain a great piece of my heart is far from me, but another thing seems to plague my thoughts and feelings. 
I am often amazed, and fascinated by the musings of others, but at times, those musings leave me feeling unfulfilled and restless...Perhaps the idea of being moderate was not as much of a blessing as I believed it to be? I am left feeling strange, and adrift, as though there is no place for me to light in this strange world...Money often prevents me from seeking to fill that place that seems empty and unsatisfied. Inspiration is another thing I seem to lack anymore, its as though someone left a window to my mind open and each of my thoughts flew back through and out. I despise this feeling that seems to have made a home in my soul...Perhaps I'm simply in a rut, a rut so deep I can see no way out. To this day, I don't know what all I should do with my life, or what I want to do, but what I do know is that I am NOT accomplishing what I want, whatever it is...Perhaps a change of pace would set me straight, but it does not seem that is in the cards.

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