Monday, June 6, 2011

Welcome to the jungle! Er...Blogosphere!

Well I assume it is best to say, I have taken the leap! After reading and enjoying so many of my friends blogs, I thought I would throw my theoretical hat into the ring. If you are reading this, you have somehow stumbled upon the insanity that is Christina! The girl that no label will stick to! The moderate creature.

I assume what each of you is wondering the MOST about is, who on Earth are you?! Well then I will oblige my readers with a rather brief biography! My name is Christina Sorrill, and I am as plain as plain pudding! At least that's how I would describe myself. Next I guess you want to know a little more, I am 22, and from Illinois! Yes, I am a child of the corn...Now if I haven't lost you all yet, I'll continue again! I am happily seeing a young man named Chris, my favorite color, as you can probably tell, is blue, I like long walks on the beach and pina colatas...Well maybe not the last two things, just wanted to make sure you were paying attention! :D I am a babysitter, and slowly trudging my way through college. My truest passion lays within my hobbies! Yes there are many...I adore reading, and being insane and eclectic, my book taste follows that same exact train of thought. I love the water, it has a calming sense about it and I often say "water is my element". While water is my element, the moon is my heavenly favorite! I'm always interested in fanciful celestial things. I'm an avid lover of ancient lore of many cultures, I like hearing about fairy's, elves, mermaids are a special favorite of course, and all the interesting little critters that roam in mythology! I am an unapologetic Christian, but I am not a Bible thumper, nor am I a fire and brimstone, its my way or the highway Christian. Faith is personal, between God and you, not me and you! Respect my beliefs, and I will happily respect yours. I enjoy writing, I hope to be a writer someday. T.V. and movies are a massive weakness and I tend to spend spare time watching fascinating programs, and doing another hobby of mine, cross stitching! :D My other passion, cross stitching, bringing to life dull flat fabric with delicate colors that fascinate the eye and spark the imagination. I am also a 20 something knitter! I enjoy knitting, although I have set it aside for now to continue my stitching. I want to learn to sew, to be a real seamstress of sorts, which would be helpful for my other passion...Reenacting! Or living history. Stepping into the past is one of my favorite things, and I've often said, "If I could take modern medicine with me, I'd go back to the 19th century any day!" 

I am also an accomplished listener! I tend to help friends when I can, and advise them as best I can. My friends and family mean the entire world to me, and I would be lost without them. I also make jewelery for fun, its nothing special just little kits I've bought. I also LOVE nature and plants! I currently own three beautiful Orchids, Violet, my purple Phaelanopsis, Gertrude, my purple/yellow/slightly redish Phal, and Penelope, my white Phal...Sadly it would seem Penelope is not long for this world...Her roots have rotted, she has been replanted, but she seems to be clinging to life. Hopefully the tide will turn and she will be happy again! I also have a small lucky bamboo plant, sadly that one has no name...I have too many cats, and a fish named Ferdinand.

I think I MAY have babbled long enough! I do enjoy hearing from others and if you like this, let me know, hate it, let me know, want to hear more, let me know. :D Thanks for listening and I hope someone will find pleasure in this blog.



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